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Jordi Terrats Molina - Architect


"Architecture is really about well-being. I think people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand it's about refuge, but it's also about pleasure"
–Zaha Hadid

Each architectural project is a new world, there are infinite points of view from which a project can be approached and therefore the "correct" solutions are infinite. However, there is only one perfect project that meets the needs of the client, one of the infinite possible approaches that the architect considers. It is our job to get as close as possible to that ideal, always with a look to the past to learn and be inspired by the great architects and projects that we consider.

Jordi Terrats Molina brings groundbreaking and innovative artistically rich ideas to the team, allowing us to give new approaches to our projects that would not have been previously considered. He also brings state-of-the-art technological capabilities to the company, such as rendering and analyzing spaces in 3D, thanks to his experience as a developer of dynamic virtual environments in Cryengine™ and Unreal Engine 5™

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